Ingredients and Care

Current Recipe: Flour, Water, Salt, Cream of Tartar, Olive Oil, Wilton Food Dye, DoTerra Essential Oil of Choice. 

This recipe continues to be updated.

A gluten free recipe is currently being developed. Please contact [email protected] if you have allergies, request, or custom orders.

Caring for your Playdough

Over time, your hands may absorb some of the oils, but you can revive it with a few drops of olive or coconut oil, or essential oil of your choosing. 

To keep it long-lasting, keep it in its container with the lid on in the fridge or a cool dark space. In this way, your play dough has the potential to last for 3 months.

If, at any time, you notice mould or discolouring of your playdough, please discontinue use. This occurs when the playdough is left out in a warm space, or if contaminants such as food stuffs enter the container of playdough.